How to Command Premium Fees with a Tool thatĀ "Monetizes the Gap"


As a business consultant or coach, you want to command premium fees. Here's how:

1. Understand what and why people buy

Money is a measure of your client's perception of the impact you're making in their lives.

Impact is how fast you move them closer to love, joy, peace, and happiness in their emotional whirlwind.

The emotional whirlwind is part of our inner world and something we all live in each day, and every moment of our waking hours is spent striving toward positive emotions and away from negative ones.

Everything we do is for that purpose.

Every dollar or unit of currency we spend is for that purpose:

To elevate our emotions.

To be at the higher altitudes of our emotional whirlwind.

So, to command a higher fee, show your potential client how you can move them toward those higher emotions with speed, ease, excellence, efficiency, and with little or no risk. You must:

2. Be excellent at helping them solve their problems

* Your unique mechanism or method for getting results...

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How to Segment Your List and Reduce Friction in Your Buyer's Journey

Your list and, more specifically, the relationship you have with the people on your list, is one of your most valuable business assets.

The only things more valuable are your health and your skills.

To build a successful coaching and consulting business as fast as possible, start building your list of potential clients immediately.

As you build your list, begin to segment your prospects by using a CRM system with a tagging feature (if yours doesn't have one, switch asap) and set up these tags: 

Timing tags:

These are tags that segment your list by their level of urgency and readiness to solve their problem. I use and recommend three tags for this:

Now buyers: These are folks with a known problem, and the pain is high, and they're seeking a solution immediately. They'll be purchasing within seven days.

Soon buyers: These are buyers who are researching possible solutions and, while their pain level is relatively high, they've got time to check out their options. They'll...

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Use These 5 "Signature" Tools to Grow Your Business

To generate more leads as a business advisor, consultant, or coach, you need these 5 "Signature" tools available and be ready to use them at a moment's notice:

You never know when opportunity will knock.

When it does, you have to be ready with these "Signature" tools.

A few things they all have in common...

> They must grab attention
> They must make a compelling, free offer
> They must lead the person(s) to an appointment
> They're all well designed, mastered, and never delivered by "winging it."

1. Your Signature 1:1 introduction

* When you're networking and someone asks, "What do you do?"
This one is powerful. Use my MOCAA Method™ to build yours.

2. Your Signature group introduction

* When you're asked to stand in a group setting and introduce yourself.
* It should have people passing you there business card after you sit down.

3. Your Signature five minute talk

* When you're asked to say a few words about your industry, share your perspective, etc.

4. Your Signature...

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How To Consolidate Multiple Email Addresses Into One Outlook Account

Consolidating multiple email accounts into a single Microsoft Outlook client lets you manage all your emails in one place, making it convenient to send and receive emails from various accounts. Here’s how you can set this up in Microsoft Outlook:

Step 1: Add Your Email Accounts to Outlook

For each of your email accounts that you want to consolidate into Outlook:

1. Open Microsoft Outlook.
2. Go to the “File” menu and click “Info” then select “Add Account.”
3. Enter the email address of the account you wish to add.
4. Click “Connect” and then enter the password for the email account when prompted.
5. Outlook will automatically search for the settings required to configure your email account. If it fails, you might need to enter server settings manually (this often happens with less common email providers).
6. Once all details are confirmed and tested, click “Done.”

Step 2: Configure Send/Receive Settings for Your Accounts


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How To Consolidate Multiple Email Addresses Into One Gmail Account

Consolidating multiple email accounts into one Gmail account to manage all your emails from a single interface can be a great way to streamline your communication. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Set Up Email Forwarding from Other Accounts

For each of your existing email accounts that you want to consolidate:
1. Log into each email account.
2. Locate the settings or options menu.
3. Find the forwarding section and enable email forwarding.
4. Enter your Gmail address to which you want all your emails forwarded.
5. Save the changes and, if required, confirm the forwarding request via a confirmation email sent to your Gmail account.

Step 2: Add Your Email Accounts to Gmail

To send emails from Gmail using your other email addresses:
1. Open Gmail and go to Settings (click the gear icon in the upper right corner).
2. Go to the "Accounts and Import" tab.
3. Under "Send mail as," click "Add another email address."
4. In the popup window, enter your name and the email address...

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81 LinkedIn Post Hook Ideas

People scroll LinkedIn for inspiration and information.

Their attention spans are short.

They're in a hurry.

You're competing for their attention in a cacophony of noise.

They scan, skim, and scroll.

Your job is to stop the scroll.

Here's my initial swipe file of hook ideas that I'm curating from various sources. As this list grows, some will be my originals, and I'll give attribution for others' work where appropriate. 

This initial list I actually received from Ryan Musselman on LinkedIn. More to come.

You can also find inspiration from my post on the 100 greatest headlines ever written.

For now, have fun with these LinkedIn hook ideas:

  1. 1 special hack for [reaching goal] without [undesirable thing]]
  2. Are you ignoring these 5 important [good advice]?
  3. When your [target problem] is [resolved] in [x time]
  4. The absolute easiest way to [solve problem or reach goal]
  5. Find the [problem] for [desired goal] by [doing thing]
  6. LOOK: what to do if you want [insert result]
  7. Try this...
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Get More Networking Leads by Using The MOCAA Methodā„¢

The Method

"So, what do you do?"

When someone asks you this in a networking meeting, please remember...

They don't care.

They care about themselves and their problems.

As famous marketing copywriter Robert Collier once said, the key to influence is to "enter the conversation already going on in your prospect's mind."

That means we have to get out of our own head and our own problems and focus on theirs.

And since the subconscious mind is always in control, their subconscious is asking:

1. How can you help me?

2. How long will it take me to experience the result/relief/transformation?

3. What will I have to sacrifice (of my time and money)?

4. What do you want me to do right now to take the next step toward relief?

If you answer these four questions for them, they'll want to give you more time, and perhaps in your next meeting, even gladly give you some of their money.

Here's my talk track to make this happen for you.

I call it the The MOCAA Method™, which stands for:...

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Navigating the New Email Deliverability Rules in 2024

flow of information Dec 17, 2023

As we approach February 2024, many entrepreneurs who rely on email marketing (as most should), will get a rude wake-up-call when they see their deliverability rates plummet.

In February, changes in email deliverability rules are set to significantly impact how your emails reach your customers. Understanding these changes is key to ensuring your messages don't end up in the dreaded spam folder.

There are three main rules you need to keep top of mind. Or better yet, on your CRM dashboard, so you can manage them carefully, like the here to the right:

Let's break down these new rules into simple, actionable insights.

1. Average Engagement Must Be 100 Days or Less

What It Means: Email engagement refers to how recipients interact with your emails – are they opening them, clicking on links, or simply ignoring them? Under the new rules, the average engagement period for your emails should be 100 days or less. This means your recipients should be actively interacting with your emails...

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