How to Command Premium Fees with a Tool that "Monetizes the Gap"


As a business consultant or coach, you want to command premium fees. Here's how:

1. Understand what and why people buy

Money is a measure of your client's perception of the impact you're making in their lives.

Impact is how fast you move them closer to love, joy, peace, and happiness in their emotional whirlwind.

The emotional whirlwind is part of our inner world and something we all live in each day, and every moment of our waking hours is spent striving toward positive emotions and away from negative ones.

Everything we do is for that purpose.

Every dollar or unit of currency we spend is for that purpose:

To elevate our emotions.

To be at the higher altitudes of our emotional whirlwind.

So, to command a higher fee, show your potential client how you can move them toward those higher emotions with speed, ease, excellence, efficiency, and with little or no risk. You must:

2. Be excellent at helping them solve their problems

* Your unique mechanism or method for getting results must be tested and proven

3. Use a business model that serves both them AND you

* No SOWs

* No hourly rates

* No fractional roles

* No blocks of hours

* ONLY monthly retainers or pay in full

4. Use a sales process that converts at least 20% of prospects to clients

* Monetize the gap

* Don't be pushy or icky

* Present an irresistible offer

* Have mounds of social proof

Monetizing the gap means determining the value to them of closing the distance from where they are to where they want to be. Your fee should be at least 10% of this, preferably 20%. See the video above for how to do this.

Help them turn nickels into quarters.

It's important to determine both the monetary AND the emotional value of the gap.

Stay focused on this value, and help them continue to make meaningful and measurable progress toward their new and better place.

I pay people well who help me do this.

So do you.

And so will they.

Implement this and switch from the roller coaster to the rocket ship.

Enjoy the ride.

PS: When you're ready, here are two ways I can help you:

1. We're looking for skilled professionals and coaches we can train to help small business owners succeed. We pay the training costs. If you're currently a business advisor or coach, or you'd like to put your hard-earned skills to work as a business advisor and fire the boss for good, here's a video that explains what we're looking for.

2. I publish a weekly email newsletter each Tuesday for business advisors called "The AI-Powered Business Advisor." You'll get the latest AI tools and prompts, as well as easy-to-implement strategies for growing your business advisor practice. You can learn more here.


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